Messor barbarus fondation 2023
  • Messor barbarus fondation 2023
  • Messor barbarus fondation 2023
  • Messor barbarus fondation 2023
  • Messor barbarus fondation 2023
  • Messor barbarus fondation 2023
  • Messor barbarus fondation 2023

Messor barbarus fondation 2023

Tax included

Free with the purchase of a formicarium!

Foundations (queen + brood + first generation of workers) from the swarming of October 2022

Harvester ants (Messor barbarus) are ideal for getting started in myrmecology!


Common name: Messor barbarus Scientific name: Messor barbarus

Description: Messor barbarus, also known as harvester ants, are a species of ant in the genus Messor. They are distinguished by their robust appearance and reddish-brown colour. Workers measure around 6 to 8 millimetres in length.

Characteristics and behaviour:

Diet: Messor barbarus are granivorous ants, which means they feed mainly on seeds and cereals. They are well known for their harvesting behaviour, where workers collect seeds and transport them to their colony.

Social organisation: Messor barbarus live in relatively small colonies, generally made up of a few thousand to tens of thousands of individuals. They are known for their complex social organisation and division of labour, and their remarkable polymorphism including three castes; minor, media and major or soldier!

Maintenance tips :

Habitat and terrarium: Messor barbarus require a spacious, well-ventilated terrarium for their colony. The Origin-ants "Desert" terrarium is perfect for them!

Temperature and humidity: Keep the temperature within a range of 20 to 25°C, with moderate humidity of around 50 to 70%. Use a thermometer and hygrometer to monitor these conditions and adjust if necessary.

Feeding: Provide your Messor barbarus with a diet consisting mainly of wild herbaceous seeds and insects. You can also offer mixed seeds for small birds, crickets, mealworms, cockroaches and other insects. Make sure you provide fresh water in a shallow trough.

Observation and handling: Messor barbarus are relatively calm ants and do not sting, but it is best to avoid handling them excessively - major bites can be quite painful. Observing their natural behaviour can be fascinating, but make sure you don't disturb their habitat as they panic at the slightest vibration.

Monitoring and maintenance: Regularly monitor the state of the colony, ant activity and the presence of any diseases or parasites. Clean the terrarium regularly to maintain a clean, healthy environment. Regularly check the temperature in and around the nest, and make sure the ants always have access to an anti-drowning drinking trough in the hunting area, as well as humidifying the nest.

Remember that each species of ant may have specific needs, so it's important to do thorough research and consult specialist sources to ensure you provide the optimum maintenance conditions for your Messor barbarus.

Note: Please check your local regulations on the possession and sale of ant species to ensure you are complying with the relevant legislation.

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